It’s not a wig, it’s a full cranial prothesis. If you have medically related hair loss, we can help you.
Trinity Lace Wigs is a participating Durable Medical Equipment (DME) provider of Full Cranial Prosthetics for those suffering with medically related hairloss.
We offer a line of Cranial Prosthesis which are reimuburseable with medical insurance coverage. What is a prosthetic? It is a device (either external or implanted) that substitutes or supplements a missing or defective body part (including hair!)
Social Media has definitely taken over and REDEFINED the hair game! There are various stylists (licensed and unlicensed) creating “Custom Units/Wigs”; however, we have a question, “Is that wig truly customized to fit your Alopecia (hair loss) needs? There are a number of clients that experience Alopecia, Medical Hair Loss by various means and some adhesives (tape or lace glue) are not recommended for the health of their scalps. Unwittingly, there are also materials that many stylists utilize that may cause overheating of the scalp and/or scalp irritation.
The Resident Hair Replacement Specialist, here at Trinity Lace Wigs has undergone certification and training to provide you with the quality products and services required for hair loss need.
An added benefit to our Resident Hair Replacement Specialist having earned Certification in Non-Surgical Hair Replacement for Men & Women and Medical Hair Loss; achieved the degree of Master of Professional Cosmetology (MPC) and is The Hair Replacement Coach; training other licensed professionals in the specialty of Hair Replacement and Medical Hair Loss. Definitely qualified in assisting each of our clients individual needs!
PLEASE NOTE: If you are required to get injections or have to apply a cream to your scalp, our units with “Integration Chains” are recommended and favorable by physicians. On your Inquiry form, please include what type of hair system is best for you!
For more information to see if you qualify Medical/Insurance Claims or contact us at